Complexes (Ph3P)2MX2 with stannous chloride in benzene + methanol catalyze the hydrogenation of oct-1-ene (H2, 1 atm, 20°) with a rate sequence: M = Pd > Pt > Ni; X = Cl > Br > I > CN. Under hydrogenation conditions, oct-1-ene is isomerized to oct-2-ene when M = Pd or Pt and X = Cl or Br, but not when X = I or CN or if M = Ni. Isomerization requires the presence of hydrogen. A second group of complexes, (Ph3P)3RhCl, (Ph3P)2RhCOCl, (Ph3P)2IrCOCl, and [(Ph3P)6Ru2Cl3]Cl isomerizes oct-1-ene in absence of hydrogen.