The two most dreaded complications of traumatic hyphema, secondary glaucoma and blood staining of the cornea are much more likely to occur if there is further hemorrhage after the initial bleeding episode. Hence, any means of preventing this renewed bleeding would be a great boon to ophthalmologist and patient alike. In this paper evidence is presented that in conjugated estrogens we may have at our disposal such an agent. Rationale The preparation conjugated estrogenic substances (Premarin)* I.V. was used first to control uterine bleeding.1-7 Its hemostatic action was attributed to endometrial regeneration. But Jacobson8-12 felt that the mechanism of action involved more than this well known estrogenic effect. He believes that spontaneous hemorrhage (sudden, unexpected and unexplained bleeding) and excessive bleeding for which no cause can be found are related to the endogenous estrogen level and possibly to a vascular toxin. He has treated these conditions with parenteral