Trend and distribution of mesothelioma in Denmark

The time trend and the distribution of malignant mesothelioma in Denmark are described on the basis of all notifications of cancer cases to the Danish Cancer Registry during the period 1943-1980. The age and sex adjusted incidence rates of pleural as well as peritoneal mesothelioma are increasing with time and reached in the latest 3-year registration period 1978-1980 a remarkably high total incidence of 14.7 cases per million men and 7.0 cases per million women. Towards the end of the observation period, however, the rate of increase was stagnating and for the younger age-groups even a fall in incidence of this malignancy was noted, perhaps reflecting the introduction of compulsory hygienic precautions in the handling of asbestos in Denmark. The incidence and time trend of peritoneal mesothelioma was similar among males and females while pleural mesothelioma was three times more common among males compared with females and showed an increase in incidence 15 years previous to females. For pleural mesothelioma in men notified through the 10-year period 1968, 1977, a significant excess was associated with residence in areas with high degrees of urbanization and in ship building towns.