Chylomicra: Their Composition and Their Fate After Intravenous Injection of Small Amounts of Heparin

The lipid composition of the chylomicra was determined by differential analyses of the whole plasma and of its cleared subnatant portion after high speed centrifugation. The results indicate that the lipid content of the chylomicra is approx. 97% neutral fat and 3% free cholesterol. During lipemia approx. 33% of the total plasma neutral fat and 75% of its increase over fasting levels may be contained in the chylomicra. Intraven. injns. of heparin into dogs with lipemic plasmas result in marked clearing of the plasmas. In 4 expts. lipid analyses showed that this clearing was accompanied by a shift of neutral fat from a visible state (chylomicra) to an invisible or dissolved state in the plasma. In one expt. clearing of the plasma was accompanied by a sharp drop in the amt. of visible neutral fat (chylomicra) without significant change in invisible or dissolved neutral fat. Lesser changes in other lipid fractions, some of questionable significance, were also observed.