Proton NMR studies and lineshape simulations of the smectic-G phase of TBPrA are presented. From them a model for the layer arrangement in smectic-G is suggested. It postulates a freezing-in of the layer structure at the smectic-C -G phase transition. The layer normals are inclined at a fixed angle to the polarizing magnetic field corresponding to the tilt angle at the end of the C phase. The tilt of the molecular directors in the G phase is much greater (because of a relatively large negative jump in the layer thickness at the C-G-transition) and grows with decreasing temperature. Moreover a distribution of the molecular directors on the fictive tilt cone (in smectic-G there is no possibility for the directors to reorient about the layer normal as in smectic-C) has to be employed to get a good fit to the experimental data.

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