Expression of steroid receptors in acoustic neuroma

The expression of steroid receptors has been investigated in an attempt to clarify the role of steroid hormones in the proliferation and progression of acoustic neuromas. Specimens of tumours taken during translabyrinthine surgery were tested for cytosolic (c) and nuclear (n) steroid receptors. Oestrogen and progesterone receptor levels were evaluated by enzymatic immuno-assay, while androgen receptor binding levels were detected by dextran-coated charcoal method in a single-step determination. In some cases, the six point Scatchard analysis of cytosolic and nuclear androgen receptor was also performed. Threshold values were: 3 fmol/mg of proteins for cytosolic steroid receptors and 20 fmol/mg DNA for nuclear steroids, which corresponded to approximate median values of cytosolic and nuclear oestrogen and progesterone, respectively. Oestrogen and progesterone appeared to be localized more frequently in the nuclei rather than in the cytosol (70% oestrogen and progesterone positivity in the nuclei; 30% oestrogen, 40% progesterone positivity in the cytosol), while androgen receptors were preferentially localized in the cytosol (80% positivity in the cytosol; 40% positivity in the nuclei). A negative non-linear correlation between cytosolic oestrogen and cytosolic androgen receptors was found. There was a direct linear correlation between cytosolic oestrogen and nuclear oestrogen levels. A strict correlation between nuclear oestrogen and nuclear progesterone incidence was shown. Preliminary analysis of clinical data and biochemical parameters showed that cytosolic progesterone levels inversely correlated with tumour size