The whole-cell patch electrode voltage clamp technique was used to study the inactivation properties of the delayed rectifying potassium current of single cultured embryonic chick hepatocytes at 20 °C. The potassium current activates maximally within 250–500 ms of membrane depolarization, after which it decays with a monoexponential time course. Both steady-state activation and inactivation are voltage dependent. Steady-state inactivation declines from 100% at −5 mV to 0 near −70 mV, with half inactivation at −41 mV. At the resting potential (EM) of these cells (−21.5 ± 6.0 mV, n = 36) 6–18% of the IK channels are not inactivated and less than 5% are open. Development and removal of inactivation follow single exponential time courses. The inactivation time constant attains a maximum of around 30 s at −35 mV and is sharply voltage dependent at the EM of these cells. Measurement of EM under current clamp shows random oscillations of 5–10 mV amplitude. We suggest that the voltage- and time-dependent properties of IK, in tandem with a time- and voltage-independent, nonselective current also seen here, would provide the mechanism for a fluctuating EM.Key words: hepatocyte, embryonic, potassium current.