Application of artificial domain control

Artificial domain control has been applied to grain oriented Si-Fe. Lines are scribed on the surface of the sheet by a ball with 1.0 mm diameter, on one side of sheet surface. Directions of scribing are cross grain, with grain, and 10 °, 20 °, 30 °, 45 °, 60 ° from the rolling direction. Spacing of lines is 10mm. Scribing produces slight plastic deformation at the surface of the sheet. Scribing in the cross grain direction reduced total loss in the rolling direction, 7% at a flux density of 1.7 Tesla. Scribing in the cross grain direction causes refinement of 180 ° domains which are the primary structure in (110) [001] oriented Si-Fe. Scribing in the with grain direction improves the total loss in the cross grain direction. Scribing 30 ° to 60 ° to the with grain improves the total losses in both the grain and cross grain direction. The improvement in total loss by scribing may be caused by slight local plastic deformation. Heat treatment, which causes recovery, cancels the effect of scribing.