Management of Growth Hormone Deficiency Through Puberty

As a model of the growth hormone (GH) dependence of growth in prepuberty and puberty, the growth of 182 children (93 boys, 89 girls) who survived in first remission for treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia was examined. Chemotherapy regimens, including intrathecal methotrexate, were similar in all patients, but CNS treatment differed, in that one group received 2400 cGy cranial irradiation, while the other received 1800 cGy. There was a significant decrease in height SDS during prepuberty, which was equivalent in both sexes, whereas there was a much greater decrease in pubertal growth in girls than in boys. Girls treated with the lower dose regimen of cranial irradiation had their onset of pubertal maturation significantly advanced, to a mean of 9.9 years (p < 0.001). Previous studies have indicated that the duration of puberty is shortened by GH treatment in patients with idiopathic multiple pituitary hormone deficiency or isolated GH deficiency (GHD). To determine whether an increase in the dose of GH administered during the adolescent growth spurt would improve final height, a prospective randomized trial was performed in 32 children (25 boys, 7 girls) with isolated GHD treated with a GH dose regimen of 15 IU/m2/week as daily s.c. injections. At the onset of the pubertal growth spurt, the patients were randomized either to an unchanged dose or to 30 IU/m2/week. There was no significant change in height velocity with the doubled dose of GH, but there was a trend in the advancement of pubertal maturation which was considered to be dose related. It is suggested that these findings are of relevance to the treatment of GHD in puberty, especially in girls with early or precocious puberty occurring as a consequence of low‐dose cranial irradiation. It is concluded that optimum final heights may not be achieved in these patients without the therapeutic manipulation of the onset and/or duration of puberty.