Location of Promoter and Operator Sites in the Biotin Gene Cluster of Escherichia coli

Biotin independence in E. coli requires five closely linked genes, bioA, bioB, bioF, bioC , and bioD . The residual gene activity of deletion mutants has been studied by complementation and enzyme assays. Deletion of the left end of the bioA gene does not impair expression of the remaining genes, but deletions from the left extending into bioB abolish all gene expression. Nonsense mutations in bioB reduce expression of bioC, bioF , and bioD . Therefore, the four genes, bioB, bioF, bioC , and bioD , are transcribed as a unit from left to right, from a promotor located between bioA and bioB . Expression of the bio genes is repressible by added biotin. Deletions removing the left end of bioA do not affect repressibility of bioD . Therefore the operator, as well as the promoter, lie to the right of bioA . One deletion that removes bioA, bioB , and bioF renders the bioD gene constitutive, presumably by fusion to an unknown operon. Therefore, the operator lies to the left of bioC .