Energy and nitrogen metabolism of chickens infected with eitherEimeria acervulinaorEimeria tenella

The effects of sublethal infections of E. acervulina and E. tenella on the energy and N metabolism of groups of 5 broilers aged 16 days were studied for 16 days in respiration chambers. The metabolizable energy (ME) content of the diet for chickens infected with E. acervulina was 0.689 of its gross energy content and N retention was 42.5 g/100 g N intake compared with 0.738 and 47.1 g, respectively, in uninfected pair-fed controls. Chickens infected with E. tenella were similarly affected. Efficiency of utilization of ME by chickens infected with E. acervulina was 0.43 during the 1st 8 days after infection, and 0.52 during the 2nd 8 days compared with an overall efficiency by non-infected chickens fed ad lib of 0.73. Maintenance energy requirement of infected chickens was higher during the 1st 8 days after infection than during the 2nd 8 day period. Body composition measurements showed that of the total gain in weight of chickens infected with E. acervulina, only 7.5 g/kg gain was fat and 213 g/kg was protein compared with 45 g and 210 g, respectively, for noninfected chickens fed ad lib. E. acervulina and E. tenella infections reduced the apparent digestibility of total mineral, Ca and P.