Prevention of further recurrences ofClostridium difficile colitis withSaccharomyces boulardii

A patient with six documented episodes of recurrentClostridium difficile colitis over an eight-month period is described. Relapses of colitis occurred despite treatment with vancomycin, metronidazole, bacitracin, and cholestyramine. Each recurrence appeared to begin successively closer to the end of the previous course of treatment. Four episodes were sufficiently severe to require hospitalization for rehydration.Saccharomyces boulardii, a nonpathogenic yeast, was begun prior to discontinuing vancomycin therapy for the last recurrence and was continued for three months. Serial stool cultures and assays forC. difficile showed persistence of the organism but rapid reduction of high titers of cytotoxin. No further recurrences of diarrhea or colitis were encountered while the patient was takingSaccharomyces boulardii and for 18 months of follow-up after the yeast was discontinued.