A human monoclonal IgG reactive with a private idiotope of a monoclonal IgM with autoantibody activity against myelin‐associated glycoprotein

One hundred and thirteen sera from patients with monoclonal IgG were tested for reactivity against a panel of 13 human monoclonal IgM having various autoantibody activities: 6 to myelin‐associated glycoprotein (MAG), 2 to vimentin intermediate filament protein and 5 to red blood cell antigens [cold agglutinins with specificity directed to I antigen (3 cases), i antigen (1 case) or Pr antigen (1 case)]. One IgG was found to react with a monoclonal IgM with anti‐MAG activity. This reactivity was characterized as idiotypic and directed against a private idiotope of the monoclonal IgM. This work provides further evidence for the existence of anti‐idiotypic antibody activity of monoclonal Ig occurring in human B cell neoplasias.