Even the beginnings of the late Proterozoic (Baykalian)geosynclinal process which lasted for about one billion years, i. e. the growth of the base of geosynclinal folded areas, are younger than the skeletons of the ancient platforms. All of the post-Proterozoic folded systems had arisen and grown on the same base the relics of which, not involved in the younger folding are the Baykalids, in the general sense of the term. Every one of the geosynclinal systems evolved in two stages: “the main” and “the orogenic,” genetically an organic whole, but each with its own magmatic and other characteristics. Magrnatism of the main stage is connected with abyssal processes, accessions of magma from the mantle, magmatic differentiation, development and expansion of acidic-magmatic hearths. Magmatism of the orogenic stage is connected with plutons at shallow depths, hearths of secondary magmas, their differentiations, redistribution of magmatic bodies, as a direct (and logical) continuation of the main stage. It is an error therefore to contrast the two parts of the whole, i. e. geosynclinal and the orogenic stages or to draw excessively sharp lines between the geosynclinal- orogenic stage and the platformal evolutions. -- V. P. Sokoloff.

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