Three new and eleven previously reported testicular or paratesticular tumors that resembled ovarian tumors of common epithelial type are discussed. The 14 tumors occurred in patients ages 11-68 (average 47) years of age. The exact location for 12 of the tumors is known; 5 involved primarily the testicular parenchyma, 3, the tunica vaginalis, and 4, paratesticular tissue. Five tumors were serous, four of which were in the borderline category. Four tumors were Brenner tumors, admixed in one case with an adenomatoid tumor. Single examples of mucinous cystadenoma, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, endometrioid adenoacanthoma, clear cell adenocarcinoma, and a benign tumor of mixed cell types complete the list. Follow-up of from 3 months to 14 years is available in eight cases; only one tumor, the clear cell adenocarcinoma, is known to have been clinically malignant. A fourth lesion in this article was a paratesticular mass composed of endometrial glands and stroma and bundles of smooth muscle. It arose in an 82-year-old man who had been treated with estrogens for prostatic adenocarcinoma.