The Growth of Sitka Spruce on Poorly Drained Soils in Northern Ireland
- 1 October 1970
- journal article
- Published by Oxford University Press (OUP) in Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research
- Vol. 43 (2) , 125-133
A soil survey of Lisnaskea Forest, Co. Fermanagh, showed that growth of Sitka spruce was far from uniform on areas of apparently uniform soil. The relation between soil factors, tree growth, and foliar nutrient status on two blocks of trees growing on gleyed soils was therefore studied. Simple regression showed that tree growth was poor when the levels of foliar nutrients were low and when there was a mat of undecomposed needles on the forest floor. It is therefore considered that lack of organic matter breakdown in the soil is causing poor tree nutrition and growth. Multivariate statistical analysis also showed highly significant regressions between tree growth, level of foliar nutrients, and depth of litter layer. The correlations between soil factors alone and tree growth were barely significant and the multivariate technique did not give an acceptable method of predicting tree growth from soil measurements. Methods of improving soil conditions are discussed.Keywords
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