Immunologic monitoring in breast cancer patients receiving postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy

A group of 17 patients, having undergone modified radical mastectomy for breast cancer, received 12 cycles of chemotheray with methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil, and chlorambucil during 17 months. The number of circulating T and non T lymphocytes, as defined by E, EAC, and ME rosette formation, were reduced during treatment. The Non-T lymphocytes, however, were reduced to the highest relative extent. Relative phytohemagglutinin and mixed lymphocyte culture responses of the cells decreased, whereas purified protein derivative responses were unchanged. Serum concentrations of IgM were reduced, but IgA and IgG concentrations were unchanged or slightly increased. Antibody titres to morbilli and herpes simplex were not changed, whereas the antibody activity against cytomegalovirus (CMV) increased in several seropositive patients. None of these patients, however, developed signs of a CMV infection.