The following case report concerns the successful treatment of Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (maladie des tics) with haloperidol (Haldol) for 2½ years. A 13-year, 10-month-old boy presented with a combination of facial twitching, steadily repeated gestures consisting of a punching motion of the upper right arm, echolalia, and coprolalia, all of a gradually increasing severity over the past two years. The symptom of compulsive ideation was not observed, but the boy was a meticulous and exact person. Intelligence was average, but the patient was not allowed to attend school because of his behavior. Various types of tranquilizers had been tried without success, and multiple chiropractic adjustments had proved unsuccessful. The mother was undergoing psychiatric treatment for neurotic behavior with compulsive elements. The father thought that the mother was spoiling the boy and that all he needed was discipline. The father refused to cooperate with the treatment, but the mother