The effects of prostomium and proventriculus removal on sex determination and gametogenesis inTyposyllis pulchra (Polychaeta: Syllidae)

The prostomium alone or the prostomium and proventriculus of reproductiveTyposyllis pulchra were periodically removed at known stages of oogenesis and the gametes were examined by transmission electron microscopy. If the proventriculus and prostomium were simultaneously removed prior to day 3 of the stolonization sequence, before gonial differentiation, the time reruired for stolon formation and concomitant gametogenesis was shortened; the animals, all of which had previously reproduced as females, produced only ultrastructurally normal sperm. Spermatogenesis in these induced males began earlier in the stolonization period than in normal males. However, the cytological events of spermatogenesis were not accelerated. When the same operation was performed after differentiated oocytes were present, gamete cytodifferentiation and development time did not appear to be affected and the animals remained female. Removal of the prostomium alone, formerly thought to have no effect, caused high mortality and if removed prior to day 3 appeared to prevent both stolonization and gametogenesis. Ultrastructural investigation of these animals shows that gonads are maintained, but that gonial cells fail to differentiate or produce gametes. The subsequent removal of the proventriculus and regenerating prostomium from these animals allows them to mature as induced males. This suggests a prostomial role in regulating the endocrine activity of the proventriculus during the reproductive cycle.