Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV is a variant Moloney murine leukemia virus containing polyomavirus F101 enhancers inserted just downstream from the M-MuLV enhancers in the long terminal repeat (LTR). The protein coding sequences for this virus are identical to those of M-MuLV. Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV induces T-cell disease with a much lower incidence and longer latency than wild-type M-MuLV. We have previously shown that Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV is defective in preleukemic events induced by wild-type M-MuLV, including splenic hematopoietic hyperplasia, bone marrow depletion, and generation of recombinant mink cell focus-inducing viruses (MCFs). We also showed that an M-MCF virus driven by the Mo+PyF101 LTR is infectious in vitro but does not propagate in mice. However, in these experiments, when a pseudotypic mixture of Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV and Mo+PyF101 MCF was inoculated into newborn NIH Swiss mice, they died of T-cell leukemia at times almost equivalent to those induced by wild-type M-MuLV. Tumor DNAs from Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV-Mo+PyF101 MCF-inoculated mice were examined by Southern blot analysis. The predominant forms of Mo+PyF101 MCF proviruses in these tumors contained added sequences in the U3 region of the LTR. The U3 regions of representative tumor-derived variant Mo+PyF101 MCFs were cloned by polymerase chain reaction amplification, and sequencing indicated that they had acquired an additional copy of the M-MuLV 75-bp tandem repeat in the enhancer region. NIH 3T3 cell lines infected with altered viruses were obtained from representative Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV-Mo+PyF101 MCF-induced tumors, and mice were inoculated with the recovered viruses. Leukemogenicity was approximately equivalent to that in the original Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV-Mo+PyF101 MCF viral stock. Southern blot analysis on the resulting tumors now predominantly revealed loss of the polyomavirus sequences. These results suggest that the suppressive effects of the PyF101 sequences on M-MuLV-induced disease and potentially on MCF propagation were overcome in two ways: by triplication of the M-MuLV direct repeats and by loss of the polyomavirus sequences.

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