Ultrastructural study of remodeled rubral afferents following neonatal lesions in the rat

Following neonatal hemicerebellectomy, an aberrant ipsilateral cerebellorubral projection develops that maintains the topographic specificity of the normal contralateral projection. Similarly, neonatal lesions of the sensorimotor cortex lead to the appearance of an aberrant contralateral corticorubral projection that mirrors the topographic specificity of the normal ipsilateral input. The specificity of synaptic localization in these aberrant projections was studied by use of ultrastructural visualization of anterogradely transported HRP-WGA. Following neonatal ablations, adults received HRP-WGA injections in the unablated deep cerebellar nuclei or sensorimotor cortex. After 48 hours, animals were sacrificed and processed for ultrastructural localization of anterogradely transported HRP-WGA. In hemicerebellectomized animals, both the contralateral and ipsilateral interpositorubral projections terminated on the somatic and proximal dendritic membrane of magnocellular neurons. Some of these labeled synaptic terminals were located on somatic and dendritic spines. Following HRP-WGA injection in the unablated nucleus lateralis, anterogradely labeled synaptic terminals were located bilaterally on small- to medium-sized dendrites of parvicellular neurons. Injection of HRP-WGA in the remaining sensorimotor cortex of animals that had undergone neonatal unilateral ablation of the sensorimotor cortex resulted in labeled corticorubral synaptic terminals that contacted distal dendrites of ipsilateral and contralateral parvicellular neurons. These results demonstrate that, following neonatal deafferentation of the rat red nucleus, the topographic specificity of the aberrant rubral afferents is accompanied by a specificity of synaptic localization on discrete membrane areas of rubral neurons.