Nonspecific Factors Involved in Attachment of Entomopathogenic Deuteromycetes to Host Insect Cuticle

The attachment of the conidia of the insect-pathogenic fungi Nomuraea rileyi, Beauveria bassiana, and Metarrhizium anisopliae to insect cuticle was mediated by strong binding forces. The attachment was passive and nonspecific in that the conidia adhered readily to both host and nonhost cuticle preparations. The hydrophobicity of the conidial wall and the insect epicuticle appeared to mediate the adhesion process. Detergents, solvents, and high-molecular-weight proteins known to neutralize hydrophobicity reduced conidial binding when added to conidium-cuticle preparations. However, these chemicals did not remove the hydrophobic components from the epicuticle or from conidial preparations. The outer surface of the conidium consists of a resilient layer of well-organized fascicles of rodlets. Intact rodlets extracted from B. bassiana conidia bound to insect cuticle and exhibited the hydrophobicity expressed by intact conidia. Both electrostatic charges and various hemagglutinin activities were also present on the conidial surface. However, competitive-inhibition studies indicated that these forces played little, if any, role in the adhesion process. Images