E protein, the 29 kd product of the F plasmid repE gene, plays both positive and negative roles in the autoregulation of F replication. We have cloned and expressed the repE gene in an inducible ATG-fusion vector and have detected specific binding of E protein to the repE operator and to four 19-base pair direct repeats (incB) within the F plasmid replication origin ori2 Binding of E protein at the repE operator occurs with higher affinity than at ori2(incB) and gives almost complete protection to at least 30 base pairs, whereas binding of E protein to the direct repeats in the ori2 region shows an alternating pattern of enhanced and reduced sensitivity to DNAase cleavage consistent with a protein-induced folding of the DNA. These results provide direct biochanical support for a model of F plasmid replication in which the E protein serves both as an initiator of replication and as an autorepressor of its own synthesis.