Application of chemical P450 model systems to studies on drug metabolism. I. Phencyclidine. A multi-functional model substrate.

Cytochrome P450 model and liver microsomal oxidations of drugs were compared using phencyclidine. In general, the chemical reaction systems produced many oxidation products. Besides the formation of the cyclohexane-4-hydroxyl compound (2), hydroxylation of the aromatic ring was favored in the Fenton reaction system (Fe2++H2O2). Formation of an m-hydroxylated product (m-5) was the main aromatic oxidation pathway in the Udenfriend reaction (Fe2+-ascorbic acid-O2), and 2, the piperidine-3-hydroxyl compound (3), and the piperidine-4-hydroxyl compound (4) were also formed. In the system using meso-tetraphenylporphinatoiron chloride (Fe(III)TPPC1) with an oxidant, the main product was the piperidine-3-oxo compound (8). In the liver microsomes system, 2, 4, 8, and m-5, which were all generated by the chemical oxidation reactions, were detected as metabolites of phencyclidine. They were formed by cytochrome P450-dependent reactions. Chemical oxidation systems can be used to study drug metabolism; they can reveal some tendencies of the real metabolis reactions, are easy to operate, and yield sufficient amounts of product.