Observation of low-energy magnetic response in the heavy-fermion compoundUBe13

Inelastic-neutron-scattering experiments have been used to examine the low-frequency (UBe13. A quasielastic response with a characteristic linewidth of 1.5 meV for T>1 K is found. Surprisingly we found no anomalous dependence of this response on q, the reduced reciprocal lattice vector. The strength of the response corresponds to ∼60% of the bulk susceptibility, and it scales with the latter for 1.5TUBe13 thus contains two components, one with a linewidth of 1.5 meV and the other [A. I. Goldman et al., Phys. Rev. B 33, 1627 (1986)] with a linewidth of ∼13 meV. The weight is approximately evenly divided between the two. UBe13 is therefore similar to UPt3 in that the magnetic response functions exist on two quite different energy scales. This appears different from Ce-based heavy fermions, and is not yet understood.

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