Fission yeast Swi5/Sfr1 and Rhp55/Rhp57 differentially regulate Rhp51-dependent recombination outcomes

Several accessory proteins referred to as mediators are required for the full activity of the Rad51 (Rhp51 in fission yeast) recombinase. In this study, we analyzed in vivo functions of the recently discovered Swi5/Sfr1 complex from fission yeast. In normally growing cells, the Swi5‐GFP protein localizes to the nucleus, where it forms a diffuse nuclear staining pattern with a few distinct foci. These spontaneous foci do not form in swi2 Δ mutants. Upon UV irradiation, Swi5 focus formation is induced in swi2 Δ mutants, a response that depends on Sfr1 function, and Sfr1 also forms foci that colocalize with damage‐induced Rhp51 foci. The number of UV‐induced Rhp51 foci is partially reduced in swi5 Δ and rhp57 Δ mutants and completely abolished in an swi5 Δ rhp57 Δ double mutant. An assay for products generated by HO endonuclease‐induced DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs) reveals that Rhp51 and Rhp57, but not Swi5/Sfr1, are essential for crossover production. These results suggest that Swi5/Sfr1 functions as an Rhp51 mediator but processes DSBs in a manner different from that of the Rhp55/57 mediator.