Detection and identification of Mobiluncus species by direct filter hybridization with an oligonucleotide probe complementary to rRNA

A hybridization assay for direct detection and identification of Mobiluncus species has been developed and tested. A [32P]-labelled synthetic oligonucleotide probe, complementary to a nucleotide sequence in the variable region V8 of Mobiluncus 16S ribosomal RNA, was utilized. One of the advantages of using rRNA as target molecule for the hybridization assays is the copy number of rRNA, which can be as high as 10(4), and that additionally three to six sites on the minus strand of the DNA gene can be utilized. This probe was found to be sensitive and to react with 62 of 68 tested typical or atypical Mobiluncus isolates. It was also specific, and was shown not to react with 96 tested unrelated bacterial species and isolates, including taxonomically closely related species like Actinomyces or Bifidobacterium spp., or with bacteria isolated from the vagina of both healthy persons with an undisturbed flora, as well as from patients suffering from the bacterial vaginosis syndrome (BV).