The analyses of antigen and DNA polymorphism within the bovine major histocompatibility complex: 1. The class I antigens

Serology, isoelectric focusing (IEF) of expressed antigens, and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) were compared for the identification of BoLA class I haplotypes. Expressed antigens identified as bands by IEF correlated well with serological definition confirming and extending our earlier findings (Joosten et al. 1988). Comparison of serology and isoelectric focusing bands with restriction fragments was more complicated; fragments were found which correlated both with broadly reacting and antigen specific sera. We also found correlation of fragments with two or more sera which showed no cross-reactivity. Fragments unique to particular haplotypes were also observed. Serology remains the simplest method of typing BoLA class I antigens. Isoelectric focusing generally agrees with serological definition of antigens and detects antigens not yet defined by serology. It may also be useful in defining the products of other expressed BoLA class I loci. In order to identify RFLPs which could be used for typing, comparison with serology or IEF is essential. Haplotype specific RFLPs could be useful in identifying genes linked to the MHC.