Edge poloidal rotation profiles of H-mode plasmas in the JFT-2M tokamak

Parameter dependence of the radial structure of edge poloidal rotation is studied with spectroscopic measurements for L‐ and H‐mode plasmas in the JFT‐2M tokamak [Y. Miura et al., in Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference, Washington 1990 (IAEA, Vienna, 1991), Vol. 1, p. 325]. The poloidal flow is in the electron diamagnetic direction and appears suddenly near the plasma edge at the H‐mode transition. The poloidal rotation velocity profile in the H mode has a peak at the separatrix. No critical normalized ion collisionality, ν*i, for the transition of the L to the H mode is observed. The size of the poloidal flow in the H mode has no dependence on the poloidal gyroradius.