Prognostic factors in invasive gallbladder carcinoma

The medical records of 52 patients from the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics with carcinoma of the gallbladder were examined retrospectively. The cases were reviewed for factors in their medical history, presenting physical examination, laboratory data, therapy, pathological grade, and histology that might effect median survival. Only a prior complaint of anorexia, an elevated lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), or advanced pathologic stage at time of diagnosis provided significant prognostic information. Combining pathologic stage and histologic grade additively provided the most significant prognostic information [1]. Division of gallbladder carcinoma patients in future clinical trials by this combined (stage and grade) stratification scheme may prove helpful in assessing the efficacy of new therapies. The knowledge that anorexia and elevated LDH are poor prognostic findings may assist physicians in counseling patients with this malignancy.