Capture of Thermal Electrons by Oxygen

Permanent capture of thermal electrons by O2 to form O2 ions requires the participation of a third body in the collision process to provide a dynamical channel for stabilization. The effectiveness of H2O and C2H4 as stabilizing agents in three‐(C2H4–O2–H2O) and two‐(C2H4–O2) component mixtures has been investigated. The results are analyzed through the following three‐body reaction scheme: e+O2+O2 lim k1O2+O2+energy,e+O2+H2O lim k2O2+H2O+energy,e+O2+C2H4 lim k3O2+C2H4+energy, and the rate constants k1, k2, and k3 are equal to 0.20±0.02 [J. L. Pack and A. V. Phelps, J. Chem. Phys. 44, 1870 (1966); 45, 4316 (1966)], 1.4±0.5, and 0.34±0.04×10−29 cm6 sec−1, respectively.