Anatomical evidence of the projection of pontine omnipause neurons to midbrain regions controlling vertical eye movements

Both anatomical and physiological studies have shown that pause neurons (PNs) in the medial pontine reticular formation project to two groups of burst neurons (BNs) involved in the genesis of horizontal saccadic eye movements: The excitatory burst neurons (EBNs), which lie rostral to the abducens nucleus, and the inhibitory burst neurons (IBNs), which lie caudal to the abducens. This study is concerned with the projection from PNs to a group of vertical BNs in the nucleus of the H field of Forel (H FF) in the caudomedial subthalamus. Three anatomical methods were used to demonstrate this connection. First, intra-axonal horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injection into physiologically identified PN axons demonstrated axonal branching and axonal terminations in and around the H FF. Second, micro-injection of the tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) into the pontine PN region labelled terminal axons and boutons in the nucleus of the H FF. Third, extracellular pressure injection of HRP into H FF yielded retrogradely labelled pontine PN neurons. These anatomical results confirmed the termination of PNs in areas controlling rapid vertical eye movements as physiologically demonstrated by Nakao et al.: Exp. Brain Res. 70:632–636, (88). This work points to the major role of pontine PNs in the synchronization of BN activity in rapid eye movements in all directions.