Is Hypertension a Major Independent Risk Factor for Retinopathy in Type 1 Diabetes?

Hypertension is an established risk factor for retinopathy. Whether it is an independent risk factor or acts only by association with nephropathy is not known. Therefore, we studied 273 Type 1 diabetic patients. They were divided into four groups. Group 1 (n = 55) were normotensive and normoalbuminuric, group 2 (n = 51) had hypertension but were normoalbuminuric, group 3 (n = 33) had nephropathy but were normotensive, and group 4 (n = 134) had nephropathy and hypertension. Hypertensive patients with normoalbuminuria (blood pressure 146 ± 19 (± SD)/87 ± 12 mmHg) had the same prevalence of retinopathy as normoalbuminuric normotensive patients (123 ± 12/75 ± 5 mmHg). Hypertensive nephropathic patients (blood pressure 147 ± 18/87 ± 8 mmHg) had more retinopathy than hypertensive normoalbuminuric patients despite similar blood pressure (normal retina/advanced retinopathy: 3 %/73 % vs 46 %/17 %, p< 0.001). Nephropathic normotensive patients had worse retinal changes than hypertensive normoalbuminuric patients (19 %/49 %, p< 0.001) but fewer than the nephropathic hypertensive patients p < 0.001). Thus hypertension per se is not associated with increased retinal changes but may aggravate these in patients with clinical nephropathy.