Regulation of Pin1 peptidyl‐prolyl cis/trans isomerase activity by its WW binding module on a multi‐phosphorylated peptide of Tau protein

The WW module of the peptidyl‐prolyl cis/trans isomerase Pin1 targets specifically phosphorylated proteins involved in the cell cycle through the recognition of phospho‐Thr(Ser)‐Pro motifs. When the microtubule‐associated Tau protein becomes hyperphosphorylated, it equally becomes a substrate for Pin1, with two recognition sites described around the phosphorylated Thr212 and Thr231. The Pin1 WW domain binds both sites with moderate affinity, but only the Thr212–Pro213 bond is isomerized by the catalytic domain of Pin1. We show here that, in a peptide carrying a single recognition site, the WW module increases significantly the enzymatic isomerase activity of Pin1. However, with addition of a second recognition motif, the affinity of both the WW and catalytic domain for the substrate increases, but the isomerization efficacy decreases. We therefore conclude that the WW domain can act as a negative regulator of enzymatic activity when multiple phosphorylation is present, thereby suggesting a subtle mechanism of its functional regulation.