SYNOPSIS. The Glugea stephani‐induced xenoma in the winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, is a large spherical host‐parasite complex, up to 4.0 mm in diameter, with the host and parasite components of the xenoma being most active in the peripheral zone. The xenoma has an extensive periodic acid‐silver methenamine‐positive surface coat covering the plasma membrane. The surface of this membrane is amplified by the presence of numerous folds and fine tubular extensions. The peripheral zone of the xenoma contains many host‐cell mitochondria in addition to numerous microsporidan parasites. At the ultrastructural level, the peripheral zone of the host‐cell cytoplasm appears normal. Inside the peripheral region of the 0.4–1.0 mm xenoma, the host‐cell component largely disintegrates in the presence of microsporidan parasites undergoing sporogenesis.