Pattern of Mitotic Activity and Cell Densities in Normal Gingival Epithelium of Children

Gingival biopsies were taken from 79 children in the area of deciduous or permanent molars and premolars and prep prepared for histological study. Drawings from the microscopic slides and planimetric measurements were made. Cells were counted in a random selected area and total cell populations calculated. The mitotic figures were counted, and the mitotic indices (M. I.) determined as the number of dividing cells/1000 cells. The M. I. for the entire group was 0.429 which is lower than in previous older age group studies. The lowest M. I. was found in 7 and 8 year old boys and 9 year old girls. The highest M. I. was found in 5 and 6 year old boys and in 7 year old girls. The spinous layer displayed the greatest mitotic activity, i.e., 66.14%, followed by the basal layer of 33.86%. An inverse relation was found between the cell densities and the average mitotic indices when different specimens were classified in different density ranges. The reciprocal densities showed an increase with an increase in the mitotic index.