Information Systems Development Research: An Exploration of Ideas in Practice

This paper describes aspects of applied research related to the development of information systems. There is a proliferation of information systems development methodologies and some confusion has resulted. Methodologies are classified into six broad themes, but experience suggests that no methodology can be appropriate to all situations. A contingency framework called Multiview has been devised which includes descriptions of relevant techniques and tools. The analysts and users select those aspects of the approach which are appropriate to the context, in effect creating a unique methodology for each application. The approach has been used in a number of applications and these experiences have led to modifications of the framework. In the cycle of action research there is close interaction between theory and practice and between the researcher and the practitioner. The paper describes the learning process between theory and practice and between the researcher and the practitioner. The paper describes the learning process and discusses some lessons learned from this experience. It also puts forward conclusions about the methodology framework, the strengths and problems of using a contingency approach, and of action research in information systems.

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