Nickerson-Kveim tissue suspensions made in New York City (Type I antigen, in the main) have already been tested in Florida, on a small scale in Puerto Rico, as well as in other parts of the United States. The results, on study of sections of the excised test sites sent to us, do not appear to differ from those obtained with Negro and white patients observed in New York City. The tissue of a single patient, provided the concentration of the specific factor or factors in it is satisfactory and the specificity has been demonstrated, indeed serves to test all patients exhibiting active sarcoidosis. If sarcoidosis were caused by more than one primary inciting agent, it would be expected that a series of sarcoid tissues would be required to screen for the presence of the disease, and for this there is no evidence. Therefore, it seems to use more likely that sarcoidosis is a single disease and not a syndrome. The specific factor responsible for the characteristic granuloma appearing at the test site in patients with sarcoidosis remains unknown.

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