Isolation of Intact Protein Storage Vacuoles from Barley Aleurone (Identification of Aspartic and Cysteine Proteases)

Within the cereal aleurone reserve proteins are stored in specialized organelles, the protein storage vacuoles (PSV). We developed an aqueous method for the isolation of intact PSV. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Himalaya) aleurone protoplasts were gently lysed by passing them through a syringe needle. PSV were separated from cytoplasmic components by microfiltration and low-speed centrifugation. Isolated PSV appeared by light microscopy to be identical with those within barley aleurone protoplasts. Luminal contents were retained throughout the isolation procedure. We used isolated PSV to identify and characterize PSV-associated proteolytic activities. Isolated PSV contained cysteine proteases and aspartic proteases (APs). Gibberellic acid treatment of protoplasts increased cysteine protease activity. Protein blots probed with anti-H. vulgare aspartic proteinase (HvAP) indicated that one PSV-AP was HvAP. Immunocytochemical localization by electron microscopy confirmed the presence of HvAP within the lumen of PSV. We conclude that isolated barley aleurone PSV will be useful in further characterizing this organelle.