Isolation and characterization of Campylobacter flagellins

Sequential acid pH dissociation, differential ultracentrifugation, and neutral pH reassociation were used to partially purify serotypically distinct flagella from three strains of Campylobacter jejuni and the two antigenic phases of flagella of Campylobacter coli VC167. Each C. jejuni flagellin and C. coli VC167 antigenic phase 1 flagellin were purified to homogeneity by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with a C8 Spheri-10 column. C. coli VC167 antigenic phase 2 was purified to homogeneity by ion-exchange chromatography with a Mono-Q column. Amino acid compositional analysis put the C. jejuni flagellin molecular weight in the range 63,200 to 63,800 and the C. coli antigenic phase 1 and 2 flagellins at 61,500 and 59,500, respectively. The amino acid compositions of the C. jejuni were similar to each other and to the C. coli VC167 antigenic phase 1 and phase 2 flagellins. One-dimensional peptide mapping of the C. jejuni flagellins by partial digestion with trypsin or chymotrypsin confirmed the structural similarities of the C. jejuni flagellins and the C. coli VC167 antigenic phase 1 flagellin and showed that C. coli VC167 antigenic phase 2 flagellin was structurally distinct from the phase 1 flagellin. The antigenic phase 2 flagellin was especially sensitive to digestion by chymotrypsin. Amino-terminal sequence analysis showed that the 20 N-terminal amino acids of the Campylobacter flagellins were highly conserved. The Campylobacter flagellins also shared limited sequence homology with the N-terminal sequences reported for Salmonella and Bacillus flagellins.