Infrared-lamp zone melting on the 31 Å BSCCO phase

An infrared zone melter has been built to produce oriented thick films of the BSCCO 31 Å phase (Tc=80-90 K) on single-crystal MgO, using a feedstock composition of 2.4:1.5:1.0:1.8. Sample sizes were typically 6*25 mm and were superconducting after being traversed at or below 0.8 mu m s-1 in air. Substrate interactions, producing noticeable (Mg,Cu)O dendrites, occurred when traverse speeds were below 0.6 mu m s-1. At higher speeds, samples resembled partially melted BSCCO, and transition temperatures decreased with increasing traverse speeds. From this study, a traverse speed of 0.6 mu m s-1 was found to produce the greatest critical current density at 4.2 K of 2.2*104 A cm-2.