Evaluation of the North Country on the Job Network: A Model of Facilitated Care for Injured Workers in Rural Upstate New York

We describe the evaluation of a community-based program designed to facilitate access to care and return to work for injured workers in a rural, medically underserved area in upstate New York. Providers are recruited to provide easily accessible care and are oriented to concepts of transitional duty and rapid return to work as medically appropriate; companies are recruited with the agreement to provide transitional work for injured employees. Registered nurses, hired by the local hospital, serve as case coordinators to facilitate care and coordinate communications among all parties. Over 3000 injured workers received care through the program in the first 56 months, with a decline in the number of transitional days over time. The number of days that the cases remain open has steadily declined, and the number of return-to-work cases has increased. The success of this initiative provides an excellent background for continued improvement in delivery of care to injured workers and proactive efforts at improving workplace safety and health in a rural area.