Tec29controls actin remodeling and endoreplication during invagination of theDrosophilaembryonic salivary glands

Epithelial invagination is necessary for formation of many tubular organs, one of which is the Drosophila embryonic salivary gland. We show that actin reorganization and control of endocycle entry are crucial for normal invagination of the salivary placodes. Embryos mutant for Tec29, the Drosophila Tec family tyrosine kinase, showed delayed invagination of the salivary placodes. This invagination delay was partly the result of an accumulation of G-actin in the salivary placodes, indicating that Tec29 is necessary for maintaining the equilibrium between G- and F-actin during invagination of the salivary placodes. Furthermore, normal invagination of the salivary placodes appears to require the proper timing of the endocycle in these cells; Tec29 must delay DNA endoreplication in the salivary placode cells until they have invaginated into the embryo. Taken together, these results show that Tec29 regulates both the actin cytoskeleton and the cell cycle to facilitate the morphogenesis of the embryonic salivary glands. We suggest that apical constriction of the actin cytoskeleton may provide a temporal cue ensuring that endoreplication does not begin until the cells have finished invagination.