Association of DQw7 (DQB1*0301) with ocular cicatricial pemphigoid.

Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP) is an autoimmune blistering disease that affects the conjunctiva and multiple mucous membranes. Class I and II and complement genetic markers of the major histocompatibility complex were studied in 20 Caucasian OCP patients and members of their families. Frequencies of individual alleles and common fixed or extended haplotypes in the patients were compared with those in normal family control haplotypes and with overall normal Caucasian haplotypes. The most striking increase compared with overall controls was noted in HLA-DQw3 (P = 0.006), unassociated with any extended haplotype. All but 1 of the 20 patients carried DQw3 in linkage with HLA-DR4 (increased significantly with P = 0.042 compared with overall normal genotype controls) or DR5. The DQw3, on analysis by restriction fragment length polymorphism in genomic DNA, was, in every instance, DQw7 (3.1, DQB1*0301). The frequency of DQB1*0301 in patient haplotypes compared with overall normal DR4 and DR5 DQw3-bearing haplotypes was statistically significantly increased (P less than 0.003, relative risk = 9.6). The distribution of homozygotes and heterozygotes for DQB1*0301 among the patients was consistent with dominant but not recessive inheritance of DQB1*0301 or a gene, probably a class II allele, in linkage disequilibrium with it as the major histocompatibility complex susceptibility gene for OCP.