Loss of heterozygosity at 9p21 loci and mutations of the MTS1 and MTS2 genes in human lung cancers

To elucidate the involvement of abnormalities of the MTS1/p16 and MTS2/p15 genes located at chromosomal region 9p21 in human lung cancers, we analyzed DNA from 30 primary lung cancers and detected loss of heterozygosity at the 9p21‐p23 region in 15 tumors. Single‐strand‐conformation‐polymorphism analysis of polymerase‐chain‐reaction products from the MTS1 and MTS2 genes and determination of the nucleotide sequences revealed the presence of a mutated MTS1 gene in 2 of 15 tumors with a loss of corresponding loci. No mutations of the MTS2 gene were found. These results suggested that mutations of the MTS1 gene are associated with at least some human lung cancers. © 1995 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.