Absolute Differential Elastic- and Inelastic-Scattering Cross Sections in 25-140 keVHe++ He Collisions

Data obtained as energy-loss spectra at angles from 0 to 7.3×103 rad (c.m.) with typical energy-loss resolution of 0.7 eV and angular resolution of 2×103 rad (c.m.) were used to calculate average differential cross sections dσdΩav for elastic scattering, direct excitation of the individual He(n=2) states, and direct excitation of the He+(n=2) states. The total cross section for excitation of the He(n=2) states obtained by integrating the differential cross sections was found to be 20×1018 cm2 at 25 keV (lab) decreasing to 7×1018 cm2 at 140 keV. At incident lab energies below 100 keV the He(2S2) and He(2P3) states dominate the He(n=2) structure at angles close to zero, while the He(2P1) state dominates at larger angles. The contribution of the He(2S1) state remains below 25% at all angles and energies.