Sampling and analysis of some corrosion inhibiting amines in steam condensates

The analysis of [polluting] corrosion inhibitors, e.g., morpholine (MOR), cyclohexylamine (CHA), diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) and octadecylamine (ODA) in steam condensates sampled in 4 hospitals and 1 food processing plant, is described. An aqueous injection-gas chromatographic procedure was developed for the analysis of DEAE; mixtures of CHA and MOR were determined by a similar method. ODA was quantitated by a colorimetric method. Levels of amines were consistently low (4.2 mg/l) in steam sampled in systems in which the addition of amines to the boiler feed water was continuously metered. In a closed-loop, low pressure system in which the amine formulation was added in a single dose to the boiler in an irregular manner, concentrations of amines in steam condensates were high (10,200-13,900 mg/l).