A determination was made of the uric acid content of 6 replicated seed samples, 1 having no infestation, and 5 with alfalfa seed chalcid, Bruchophagus roddi Gussakovskii (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), infestations of 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100%. Even increments were chosen so that the data could be compared using regression orthogonal comparisons. The chemical method consisted essentially of incubating the sample with the enzyme uricase and following the optical density at 292 millimicrons with a function of time. A linear comparison among the 6 degrees of infestation was found to be highly significant at the 1% level of probability. A regression curve was plotted and was suggested to be a standard curve of infestation. Six different units contributing to the overall uric acid content found in each seed sample were analyzed for their individual uric acid content. The uric acid content for vacated seeds was determined to differ significantly from all other units, using a multiple mean comparison test. The methods employed appeared to be sensitive, accurate, and economical. Practical applications of the technique are possible.

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