Load Elongation Behavior of the Canine Anterior Cruciate Ligament

This paper describes the results of an investigation on the mechanical properties of canine anterior cruciate ligaments. A total of 38 ligaments were tested. It is shown that the completely reversible (elastic) range of strain is limited to 14 percent elongation, corresponding to an applied load of 200 N. Within this range each specimen was tested at different strain rates varying from 0.12 percent/s to 220 percent/s and it is demonstrated that the mechanical behavior of the ligaments is not sensitive to strain rate in the range investigated. After completion of tests in the reversible range, of strain ten ligaments were frozen and similar tests were performed after thawing. It is shown that freezing produces alterations of the mechanical properties. The ligaments become more rigid than when they are tested in fresh conditions. From room temperature up to 45C, the load-elongation relationship is not significantly dependent upon test temperature.