Einfluß von Chlorsubstitution auf die El ektronenspektren von Biphenyl

Absorption spectra in liquid solution, fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra, phosphores-cence quantum yields, phosphorescence to fluorescence quantum yield ratios, and phosphorescence decay times of 9 chloro substituted biphenyls dissolved in low temperature EPA glass were in-vestigated. The emission spectra of sterically unhindered systems are structured and significantly Stokes-shifted. Ortho substitution shifts the conjugation band in absorption as well as the un-structured fluorescence and phosphorescence bands to shorter wave lengths presumably by pre-venting the system from attaining a planar excited state. Chloro substitution which increases the rate constant of phosphorescence in the order meta < para < ortho, is nearly additive for multiple substituted systems and is correlated to the MO coefficients at the chloro substituted position in the absence of steric hindrance